xSQL Profiler 1.7 Download Mirrors

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File information

  • Filename: xSQLProfiler.msi
  • Size: 7.49 MB
  • License: Freeware
  • Date updated: 7/3/2019
  • Total Downloads: 5265
  • Last week: 1

  • Short file info:
    CDF V2 Document

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  • Download time
  • Dialup 18 m (56k)
  • ISDN 8 m (128k)
  • DSL 2 m (512k)
  • Cable 59 s (1024k)
  • T1 41 s (1484k)

  • File section
    File Type: FPX
    MIME Type: image/vnd.fpx

    Little Endian, Os: Windows
    Version 6.1, Code page: 1252
    Title: Installation Database
    Subject: Monitor Your Database Servers
    Author: xSQL Software
    Keywords: Installer
    Comments: Monitor Your Database Servers.
    Template: Intel;1033
    Revision Number: {B9D39B4A-6217-4DA0-872D-4B89A9F663A7}
    Create Time/Date: Mon Mar 12 14:34:54 2012
    Last Saved Time/Date: Mon Mar 12 14:34:54 2012
    Number of Pages: 200
    Number of Words: 2
    Name of Creating Application: Windows Installer XML (3.5.2519.0)
    Security: 2

Short description

Monitorizarea mai multe servere SQL dintr-o locaţie - filtrare puternic şi capabilităţi de programare. Sus şi rulează în câteva minute, fără agenţi de a instala. Utilizaţi pentru performanţă, audit şi conformitate. Sprijină SQL Server 2000/2005/2008.... more
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