Unlocker 1.9.2 Download Mirrors

Setup file Unlocker 1.9.2.msi - 338.00 KB - Windows All - Support
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File information

  • Filename: Unlocker 1.9.2.msi
  • Size: 338.00 KB
  • License: Freeware
  • Date updated: 10/11/2016
  • Total Downloads: 101335
  • Last week: 41

  • Short file info:
    CDF V2 Document, corrupt: Can't expand summary_info

  • MD5 checksum:

  • SHA1 checksum:

  • Download time
  • Dialup 48 s (56k)
  • ISDN 21 s (128k)
  • DSL 5 s (512k)
  • Cable 2 s (1024k)
  • T1 1 s (1484k)

  • File section
    File Type: FPX
    MIME Type: image/vnd.fpx
    FlashPix section
    Title: Installation Database
    Keywords: Installer, MSI, Database
    Last Printed: 2009:12:11 11:47:44
    Create Date: 2009:12:11 11:47:44
    Modify Date: 2009:12:11 11:47:44
    Pages: 200
    Security: None
    Code Page: Windows Latin 1 (Western European)
    Revision Number: {03C0EE01-6D1B-4608-83F0-FE6D05453470}
    Words: 2
    Subject: Unlocker
    Author: ajua Custom Installers
    Last Modified By:
    Software: Advanced Installer 10.8 build 54215
    Template: ;1033
    Comments: This installer database contains the logic and data required to install Unlocker.

Short description

Unlocker este o extensie pentru Windows Explorer, permiţându-vă cu un simplu click-dreapta pe un fişier sau un folder pentru a scăpa de mesaj de eroare, cum ar fi eroare la stergerea fisierului sau dosar, nu se poate şterge directorul: Este folosit de către o altă persoană sau program.... more
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3.5/5 (50 votes)
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