Skype / Preview / Cl

Skype / Preview / Cl

Developer's description
Published by Skype Limited on 8 Feb 2025

"Vorbeste cu prietenii tai gratuit."

Skype este fenomenul următoare de la oameni care te-au adus Kazaa. La fel ca Kazaa, Skype foloseste P2P (peer-to-peer), tehnologie pentru a vă conecta la alţi utilizatori? nu pentru a partaja fişiere de data aceasta, dar să vorbim şi de chat cu prietenii tăi.

Tehnologia este extrem de avansată? dar foarte simplu de utilizat. Tu? Vei fi a face apeluri telefonice gratuite pentru prietenii tăi, în cel mai scurt timp!

Utilizaţi Skype pentru a oferi prietenilor tai un apel vocal şi de chat cu ei la cea mai inalta calitate pe piata.

Caracteristici ale Skype includ:

- Telefon gratuit nelimitat la nivel mondial cheamă la alţi utilizatori Skype
- Sunet de calitate superioară
- Lucrări cu toate firewall, NAT şi routere? nimic pentru a configura!
- Lista de prieteni vă arată când prietenii tăi Skype sunt online şi gata de a vorbi sau de chat
- Super-simplu şi uşor de utilizat
- Apelurile dvs. sunt criptate end-to-end? , în scopul de a proteja confidenţialitatea
- Bazat pe marginea de taiere peer-to-peer, tehnologie dezvoltată de către creatorii de Kazaa şi Joltid
  • Size

    86.37 MB
  • License

  • OS

  • Updated

    8 Feb 2025
  • Downloads

    647,577 (8 last week)

Top user review

New version of Skype is slow loading & closing ...
by melen001 on 14 May 2014
Rating: (Good) for version

Updated Skype to Windows Desktop version and what a slow-poke this is.... it takes for ever to load and close. What have they done to Skype??? The previous version 6.14.104 was doing just fine, fast loading and closing and not even a hiccup what so ever. They really messed up this time. They should have left it alone. This new so called
Desktop Version is probably written to enhance it's operation with Windows 8 OS even though it's for windows 7 also. They forgot the Wins 7 crowd which are so many more than Wins 8 and just refined Skype for Wins 8 OS. If I could get back the old Version 6.14.104 I would get rid of this Desktop Version. Don't like it at all. It's just to SLOW...

It's really a great tool it's just that this new version is very slow...... If it weren't for the loading issue i would have give Skype 4 or 5 star rating. It has been Wins "default" P2P software for a long time and enjoyed by many.
Very slow loading and closing.... Why would anyone change something that performs so well??? If it's not broken then why fix it??? Just leave it like it is.... that's what i got to say...
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Download3K has downloaded and tested Skype on 8 Feb 2025 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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